
3G Mobile Newsletter

Source: Baskerville Communications, part of Informa Telecoms Group
3G Mobile is the leading source of business-critical news, data and analysis on networks and services as mobile markets evolve towards a 3G future
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3G Mobile is the leading source of business-critical news, data and analysis on networks and services as mobile markets evolve towards a 3G future. Every fortnight 3G Mobile brings you the understanding behind breaking international news and confronts the burning business issues facing 3G technologies and services.

Price: 820.00 GBP / 1394.00 USD / 1353.00 EURO

Baskerville Communications, part of Informa Telecoms Group, 57-61 Mortimer Street, London, , UK, WIN8JX. Tel: 4402074535914; Fax: 4402074535957.