
EDX SignalPro 3.0

Source: EDX Engineering Inc.
EDX SignalPro for Windows 95/98/NT is a comprehensive software package
EDX SignalPro for Windows 95/98/NT is a comprehensive software package offering a complete set of planning tools for wireless communication systems. It takes advantage of Windows' graphical user interface, with multiple map displays, support for Windows printer/plotter device drivers, clipboard support, and the convenience of toolbars.

Included in the basic package of EDX SignalPro is a complete line of specialized tools for planning FM radio and television broadcasting stations in the US. As the FM & TV Broadcast module, programs FMSR and TVSR provide full frequency allocation study capabilities for FM and TV broadcasting in the United States using the detailed requirements set forth in the FCC Rules.

EDX SignalPro is the most advanced wireless communication system planning tool for your PC. It includes multi-site coverage and interference analysis, multiple point-to-point link analysis, a comprehensive set of propagation models, full mapping capabilities, and full access to terrain, groundcover (clutter), building, demographic, traffic, and other databases.