
Quotes, Estimates and Pricing

Source: Applied Innovative Sciences, Inc.
We provide quotations when the requirements of the project have been clearly defined and specified.
Firm Quotes:
We provide quotations when the requirements of the project have been clearly defined and specified. This means that we need to be provided with a detailed specification or S.O.W. outlining each and every characteristic of the requirement. By having this, we can determine exactly what will it will take to get the job done.
  • PROS: You get a fixed price and assured delivery.
  • CONS: Specifications must be complete at the onset of the job. Any late changes to specification may render the quote invalid.

Sometimes, you may not have a detailed specification or S.O.W. available. This often occurs when a program is in its beginning stages or you are waiting from inputs from other sources. In many cases, we can help fill in the blanks once we start the project. In these situations, we provide an estimate based on the best available information.

  • PROS: You are able to make changes "on-the-fly" as required.
  • CONS: Price and delivery can vary depending on the degree of changes.
Hourly Rates:
We also provide services by the hour if desired. We provide hourly rates for shorter term jobs (usually under 150 hours). We often bill hourly when performing design reviews, RF PCB layouts, testing services, PCB assembly, conceptual designs analysis, etc.
  • PROS: You control the job. You may start, stop or make changes as you see fit.
  • CONS: Can be difficult to budget.

Applied Innovative Sciences, Inc., 2872-D Walnut Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780-7003. Tel: 714-505-9499; Fax: 714-505-2818.