

Source: GERS Retail Systems
Internet Retailing
Internet Retailing

An organization competing in today's digital marketplace is operating in a very unpredictable environment. Today's digital marketplace is typified by explosive change and increasing competition, and survival depends on the ability to earn the trust and win the loyalty of consumers who have more choices than ever before. You'll be significantly handicapped in trying to win that trust and loyalty if your business processes and operations areas aren't electronically integrated. To develop a fully integrated, consumer to supplier electronic enterprise, you'll need superior customer relationship management tools, effective order management & fulfillment applications, and powerful enterprise applications for financials, distribution, and merchandising. Further, all of these elements must be built on a solid foundation of integrated communications and enterprise business intelligence tools. Our GERS e-business solutions apply the latest Internet technologies throughout your enterprise to super-connect employees, customers, and suppliers in a highly-efficient, productive, and integrated electronic enterprise.

GERS Retail Systems, Wateridge Technology Center, 10431 Wateridge Circle, San Diego, CA 92121. Tel: 800-854-2263; Fax: 858-731-2040.